Madhya Pradesh Congress chief Kamal Nath wrote to Governor Anandiben Patel late on Tuesday night, staking claim to form the government in the state, a party spokesperson said. The party claimed it has the support of the independent candidates also. “The Congress party has emerged as the single largest party with a majority support. All the independents have in addition assured support to the Congress party,” the letter said.
“As the president of Pradesh Congress Committee, I seek an appointment with your Excellency late tonight, as soon as the results are officially declared along with my senior leaders to apprise you and seek your permission to form government in the state of Madhya Pradesh,” Nath said in the letter. According to Election Commission, the BJP has so far won 72 seats in the 230-member Madhya Pradesh Assembly, while the Congress has bagged 73. Three seats have been won by independent candidates. The BJP, which ruled the state for three straight terms, is leading on 37 seats and the Congress on 41, according to latest trends.