The BJP has been dominant in Madhya Pradesh since 1990. Amid reports of public anger, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who has been in power since 2005, says his achievements — growth rate of 10 per cent, agricultural growth rate of 20 per cent and a five-fold rise in per capita income – will help him get a fourth term.Mr Chouhan today said it is “pro-incumbency and anti-incumbency” which is at work in the state. Projected as the face of the party in the state, Mr Chouhan has been criss-crossing the state over the last weeks in a campaign that has been boosted by regular appearances of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, party chief Amit Shah and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.The Congress failed to form an alliance with Mayawati, which was expected to yield huge dividends in a state with a chunk of Scheduled Caste voters. An analysis of data from 2013 assembly elections showed that an alliance between the two would have meant victory in another 41 seats.Mayawati ruled out an alliance with the Congress in the current round of assembly elections. Kamal Nath told NDTV that the talks fell through as the “number of seats and the type of seats” she wanted didn’t add up to a “winning combination”.