Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Rohtak in Haryana today where he will unveil a 64-feet-tall statue of farmer leader Deenbandhu Sir Chhotu Ram. As per the schedule, Modi accompanied by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar will reach the Garhi Sampla village in the district in the afternoon to inaugurate the statue. He will then visit a museum dedicated to Sir Chhotu Ram.
According to the Haryana unit of the BJP, the Prime Minister will also address ‘Deenbandhu Smriti Rally’ here at 2 pm. Sir Chhotu Ram’s grandson and Union Steel Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh will also be present on the occasion. Besides, Congress MP from Rohtak Deepender Singh Hooda is also expected to join the PM during the unveiling ceremony.
Birender Singh said that it is a moment of pride for all the people of Haryana. “A 64-feet tall statue of one of Haryana’s beloved leaders, Sir Chhotu Ram, will be unveiled by PM Narendra Modi in Rohtak,” he tweeted. Haryana Minister Banwari Lal said that the statue of Sir Chhotu Ram is an honour for all the farmers in the country. “On the occasion, the Prime Minister will also visit the museum based on Sir Chhotu Ram’s life, where scenes recreated from his life and items belonging to the farmer leader have been put on display.”