Himachal’s e-Vidhan model will now be adopted and replicated by all 40 Assemblies, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in the country to make their functioning paperless and information available at the click of a mouse.A notification has been issued by the Secretary, Parliamentary Affairs, in the Centre to adopt and replicate the Himachal Vidhan Sabha’s model. In fact, IT officials from the HP Assembly imparted three-day training to the IT staff of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha last month in Parliament. Himachal Vidhan Sabha was the first in the country to go paperless with the launch of e-Vidhan project almost four years back.Adding yet another feather to its cap, Himachal has become the first state in the country to successfully launch e-constituency management project which will cover all 68 Assembly segments.
Monitoring of all development projects and welfare schemes in each Assembly segment would now be possible at the click of a mouse. “Himachal has once again taken the lead by launching its e-constituency management project where 18 Assembly segments have already been linked to e-Vidhan. The concerned officials have to load details of every project and welfare scheme and the progress on it can be checked at the click of a mouse,” revealed Rajeev Bindal, Vidhan Sabha, Speaker, here. He added that all 68 Assembly segments would be linked to e-constituency project by the end of this year.