As many as 66 families have been asked to vacate their houses in New Shimla, Vikasnagar, Dhalli, Indernagar and Gorkhu Lodge following landslides triggered by heavy rain in the capital city which has damaged houses, roads, paths, walls and pipelines worth Rs 4 crore since last night.Besides this, 150 pine trees were uprooted that damaged 20 houses and a police building in Bharari.About 25 families living in five houses in upper Dhalli faced threat as a landslide rendered the houses unsafe and occupants had been cautioned about the danger, said Shimla Mayor Kusum Sadret.Another 25 families living in Indernagar and Gorkhu Lodge also shifted. “Many residents in New Shimla, Vikasnagar have been asked to vacate their houses as these are rendered unsafe,” said tehsildar, who inspected these houses in the morning.