Modi Govt Raises Import Duties On 328 Textile Products By Up To 20%



The government raised import duties on 328 textile products by up to 20 per cent in the fourth such instance of higher tariffs being placed on inbound goods in 2018. India had raised basic Customs duties on 43 broad categories of goods, including electronics, in this year’s Budget.

Last month, apart from announcing higher safeguard duties on solar cells imported from China and Malaysia, it had also raised import tariffs on 76 textile products, including jackets, suits, and carpets, to 20 per cent. The government has also acknowledged an official panel under the Cabinet Secretary, which will aim at reducing India’s dependence on imported televisions, refrigerators and washing machines by placing further import duties on the sector. The import bill for these items amounted to nearly $2 billion in 2017-18.


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