Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today, while answering a query on measures being taken to check continuously rising fuel prices, said that the decision taken on it was “in the interest of the state”.
Fuel prices have been rising on a daily basis for the past several days, with the price of petrol hovering around the Rs 85 and diesel around the Rs 73 mark in Mumbai.
Speaking to reporters today, Fadnavis said, “The decision taken is in the interest of the state.”
When asked to clarify on “interest of the state”, and whether it was linked to “people’s interest” by way of reduction in taxes on fuel to bring down its prices, Fadnavis reiterated his point that the decisions taken were in the interest of the state.
“The prices are linked to the international prices of crude oil. The variation in prices is being reflected in the retail prices as well. Nobody praised the government when it had brought down prices 13-14 times. One should not forget that the prices have been controlled from time to time,” Fadnavis said.