Walking the talk on laying a roadmap for artificial intelligence (AI) for the country, government think-tank Niti Aayog on Monday said that it will be working with tech giant Google to develop AI-based solutions aimed at improving the overall economic productivity of the nation. The move is aimed at fostering growth for India’s nascent AI and machine learning (ML) ecosystem, said Niti Aayog.
“Niti’s partnership with Google will unlock massive training initiatives, support start-ups and encourage AI research through PhD scholarships, all of which contributes to the larger idea of a technologically-empowered New India,” said Amitabh Kant, chief executive officer, Niti Aayog.
“AI is going to disrupt the way business is done and India, in particular, is uniquely poised in utilising AI to innovate for social and inclusive good. India is embracing future technologies such as machine learning and AI to augment its capacity in healthcare, improve outcomes in education, develop innovative governance systems for our citizens and improve overall economic productivity of the nation,” added Kant.