Over 23,000 cases of fraud involving ₹1 lakh crore have been reported in the past five years in various banks, according to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). A total of 5,152 cases of fraud, up from over 5,000 cases in 2016-17, were reported in banks from April, 2017, to March 1, 2018, the RBI said in reply to an RTI query filed by this correspondent.
The highest ever amount of ₹28,459 crore is said to have been involved in these cases of fraud reported from April, 2017, to March 1, 2018, the Central Bank said. In 2016-17, banks had reported 5,076 cases of fraud involving ₹23,933 crore.
From 2013 to March 1, 2018, as many as 23,866 cases of fraud, of ₹1 lakh or above in each case, were reported. A total of ₹1,00,718 crore was involved in all the cases put together, according to the RTI reply.Giving the break-up, the RBI said 4,693 such cases (involving ₹18,698 crore) and 4,639 cases (involving ₹19,455 crore) were reported in 2015-16 and 2014-15 respectively.
In 2013-14, banks reported 4,306 cases of fraud, involving ₹10,170 crore, RBI said. “The reported fraud cases are processed and action is taken according to the facts and circumstances of individual cases,” the RBI said. The data assumes significance as central investigating agencies such as the CBI and the ED are looking into various big-ticket fraud cases in banks involving industrialists and others.