The Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI) on Wednesday said that it cannot be compared to internet firms such as Google and Facebook, due to the different algorithms being used by them, and also due to the nature of the information needed by each organisation. It also clarified that its counsel did not tell the Supreme Court that Google was trying to make Aadhaar fail.
Rakesh Dwivedi, Senior Advocate had submitted that as far as Google, Facebook and Twitter are concerned, they cannot be compared with Aadhaar due to the nature of information being different and also due to difference in the nature of algorithms being used, it said.
“While Aadhaar is only matching biometrics, the other global companies are using learning tools for analysis of data which creates knowledge. Further, UIDAI is prohibited under the law to do any such analysis and therefore cannot result in surveillance of any kind,” the agency tweeted.