President Ram Nath Kovind on Wednesday condemned the gang rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl in Kathua. “After 70 years of independence such an incident occurring in any part of the country is shameful. We have to think what kind of society are we developing. It’s our responsibility to ensure such a thing doesn’t happen to any girl or woman in any part of the country,” said President Ram Nath Kovind while addressing the 6th convocation of the Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University in Kakriyal in Jammu and Kashmir.
“Are we trying to create an environment in which our mother, sisters and daughters are unable to experience justice, equality, independence and friendship? Across the country, our children are being subjected to heinous crime. Recently, an innocent child was murdered in an unimaginable way,” the President added. The intervention by the President comes at a time when opposition parties led by the Congress party have attacked the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, both at the centre and in the state. It comes within a week of Prime Minister Narendra Modi also speaking on the issue. Addressing an event in Delhi on 13 April, the Prime Minister had said that justice will be done in the rape cases that has rocked the country.