The executive director of Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) for Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, R Sitharthan, launched the sale of 5 kg Indane Free Trade LPG (FTL) cylinder in Trichy on Thursday. It would be available without documentation and no address proof was also required for the connection.
The IOC’s target customers for FTL cylinder mainly include youngsters who stay away from home and are migrant in nature, since their monthly consumption would be considerably less. Unlike the 14.2 kg domestic cylinder, the FTL cylinder would be available over the counter at select petrol/diesel retail outlets in the nine districts of Trichy, Pudukkottai, Perambalur, Ariyalur, Cuddalore, Villuppuram, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam besides Puducherry. The cylinder could be purchased by any customer by producing his/ her ID proof at the select retail outlets.
The IOC officials stated that the FTL cylinder was portable and convenient as well as easily available. While the conventional domestic cylinder weighed 30 kilogram, the FTL cylinder would weigh only 12-13 kg. The initial payment to be made at present for purchasing a 5kg cylinder is Rs 1,360 in Trichy and subsequent refills would be available at Rs 367 a cylinder. ‘