Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today asked women to raise their voice against injustice and atrocities. The chief minister was speaking at an award function here. “The state government is committed towards the security and welfare of women and all necessary steps have been taken in this regard…women should not tolerate injustice and atrocities and raise their voice against it,” Adityanath said.
He said that helpline number 181 has been started to extend security to women and 1090 service was already functioning in the state. Referring to schemes being taken up for the welfare of women, he said a woman battalion is being raised in the PAC besides ‘Shabari Sankalp Yojna’ for checking malnutrition and ‘Ahilyabai Yojna’ for free education upto college level is being implemented in the state. The chief minister said that a positive change can be brought in society by treating boys and girls equally.