Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today said the government has collected over Rs 1 lakh crore through PSU disinvestment in the current fiscal, higher than Rs 46,250 crore mopped up in the previous financial year.
“GoI’s comprehensive approach to investment management leading to 7 IPOs, strategic mergers & acquisitions, investor friendly Bharat 22 ETF, minority stake sale is a testimony of transparent, effective, and accountable governance under leadership of PM Narendra Modi,” Jaitley tweeted. In the Budget, the government had set a revised target of Rs 1 lakh crore from PSU disinvestment, which was higher than the budget estimate of Rs 72,500 crore. So far, the Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) has raised Rs 1,00,056 crore through disinvestment.