In what may increase trouble for Mayawati, who is trying to send a Bahujan Samaj Party nominee to the Upper House from Uttar Pradesh, seven Samajwadi Party MLAs surprisingly remained absent from an important meeting called for the polls. With not many days left for the Rajya Sabha polls, the absence of seven MLAs from the meeting doesn’t augur well for Samajwadi Party and BSP, who had recently joined hands for Gorakhpur and Phulpur by-elections and defeated BJP.
As many as 10 candidates are to be elected from Uttar Pradesh. With its current strength in the UP Assembly, BJP is confident of sending eight of its candidates to the Upper House and contest for the ninth candidate. The SP will also be able to easily send its candidate to the Upper House. However, the road ahead for Mayawati’s candidate is full of troubles.
BSP has just 19 MLAs and the party needs votes of at least 37 MLAs. The SP, which has 47 MLAs, had reportedly promised to pass over its 10 extra votes to the BSP candidate. With the support of Samajwadi Party’s 10 MLAs, Congress’seven and one MLA of Ajit Singh’s party, the BSP was hopeful of sending its candidate Bhim Rao Ambedkar to the Rajya Sabha. However, events may not unfold the way Mayawati wants.