NITI Aayog along with three states — Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha — will kick-start a system-wide transformation of school education, the government think tank said today. “Three participating States of #SATH-E’s programme -Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh & Odisha – with #NITI will kickstart a system-wide transformation of school education #TransformingIndia,” NITI Aayog said in a tweet. The government had yesterday said that NITI Aayog will release comprehensive roadmap and detailed timeline for its initiative ‘Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital in Education (SATH-E)’ project today.
These roadmap, which operate between 2018 to 2020, lay out detailed interventions which will taken by the three participating states- Jharkand, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha – aiming to become ‘Role Model States’ in school education. These roadmaps present the customised, action-oriented programmes, outlining interventions at the individual, district and State level. “The SATH-E Roadmaps for Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh & Odisha released by NITI CEO @amitabhk87, Chief Secretary Jharkhand, Principal Secretaries of all three states & programme partners,” the tweet said.