The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd (IRSDC) on Friday invited proposals to redevelop three railway stations—one in Chandigarh and two in New Delhi—at a cost of Rs656 crore as part of the government’s $1 trillion station modernization drive. According to a request for proposals published by IRSDC, the nodal agency for the programme, work at the Chandigarh station will take Rs140 crore and be carried out over two years; the stations at Bijwasan and Anand Vihar in New Delhi will cost Rs310 crore and Rs206 crore, respectively, and take around three years.
The three projects are likely to be awarded in the first quarter of the next fiscal, a senior government official said on condition of anonymity. “We are hopeful of getting a good number of players as several investors and companies have shown interest in these projects,” the official said. Under the station redevelopment programme, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government plans to make Indian railway stations more attractive and passenger-friendly by adding amenities such as escalators, lifts and shopping complexes.