Alleging that the country was facing a “super emergency” under the BJP-led central government, Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee today said she would try to unite all the anti-BJP forces to defeat the saffron party in the 2019 Lok Sabha election. The West Bengal chief minister also met senior Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Praful Patel today to discuss national politics. After the meeting with Banerjee, Patel told reporters that the idea of having a federal front in the future was discussed between them.
“A beginning has to be made. She (Banerjee) was very happy. She said the leadership should not be discussed, the idea is to have a formidable alternative to bring in a change in the government at the Centre. There will be a series of meetings,” he added. Addressing the TMC’s extended core committee meeting here, Banerjee said, “Someone has to bell the cat. We want everybody to come together to fight against the BJP. We will help them in all possible ways.”