Uttar Pradesh Asks Centre For Extra Rs38,000 crore aid



The central government is examining a request from Uttar Pradesh for an extra Rs38,000 crore in assistance as India’s most populous state seeks to step up public spending for various schemes. In a half-a-day-long meeting with policy think tank NITI Aayog on Tuesday, Uttar Pradesh health minister Sidharth Nath Singh sought the additional funds saying his government was looking at improving the state’s overall performance.

The request comes after NITI Aayog’s Health Index report titled Healthy States, Progressive India showed that Uttar Pradesh had made little progress in improving healthcare in the past three years. Uttar Pradesh was the poorest performing state in 2015-16, according to the report. Discussions at the meeting revolved around funds needed for sectors such as health, agriculture, energy, finance, women and child development and human resource development.


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