Home Minister Rajnath Singh today reviewed the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir, where two terror attacks in last three days have left nine persons dead, including five army men, officials said. During an hour-long meeting with top officials, the home minister was given a detailed presentation about the situation in the state, particularly attack on an army camp in Jammu and a gunfight between security forces and militants in Srinagar.
Singh was told that the highest level of security has been put in place in the entire state and steps were being taken to foil attempts by terrorists to disturb peace, an official said. The home minister directed the officials that action must be taken to check infiltration attempts from across the border, another official said.
Those who attended the meeting included Union Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba and Director of the Intelligence Bureau Rajiv Jain. Yesterday, Jammu and Kashmir Governor N N Vohra had briefed the home minister about the prevailing situation in the troubled state. The governor apprised the home minister of the security situation in the state, particularly in border areas, which have been witnessing massive ceasefire violations by Pakistan and infiltration from across the border.