Railway Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday urged the youth to refrain from taking selfies on rail tracks, days after a 22-year-old man from Hyderabad suffered grievous injuries during one such attempt.
In his message, Goyal has appealed to citizens to avoid selfies or stunts near railway tracks.
“In the last few days, I have seen news and videos in which there have been accidents of youth taking selfies or showing stunts near railway tracks. It is very disheartening to know about these accidents. “You all are the future of the country and my appeal is to avoid putting your life at risk and stay alert around the railway tracks. Follow the rules and signs and pay attention while approaching rail crossings,” he said.
Along with the message, the ministry has also issued a number of posters with references from popular Bollywood songs like “Zindagi maut na banjaye sambhalo yaaron” (Be cautious, life can turn into death) from the film Sarfarosh, accompanied with images of people leaning out of trains.