The government will tomorrow begin sale of 1.5% stake in NMDC at a floor price of Rs153.50 apiece, with an option to retain over-subscription of equal quantum. The two-day offer for sale (OFS) will open for institutional investors on Tuesday and for retail investors on Wednesday. Sale of 1.5% would fetch Rs750 crore to the exchequer, a person familiar with the matter said.
The stake sale will have a green-shoe option to retain over-subscription of a further 1.5%, the person added. Shares of NMDC closed at Rs161.85, up 2.11% on the BSE. The floor price of Rs153.50 is at a discount of 5% over the closing price of Rs161.85. The government has already raised over Rs52,500 crore in current fiscal through stake sale in public sector units (PSUs), including listing of insurance PSUs and exchange traded fund. It has set an ambitious target of raising Rs72,500 crore for disinvestment in the current fiscal.