The sharp surge in global crude prices after the OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) and Russia decided to extend output cut has pushed the Brent crude price over USD 65 their highest level since mid-2015. The increase in global prices impacted the domestic prices of diesel and petrol with diesel hitting an all-time high in Delhi at Rs 59.31 per litre on December 26. In Kolkata and Chennai, diesel was selling at a three-year high of Rs 61.97 and 62.48, respectively. The retail selling price in Mumbai was at Rs 62.75 per litre as per the information available on the Indian Oil Corp website. On Tuesday, petrol was sold at Rs 69.65 per litre in Delhi, Rs 72.40 in Kolkata, Rs 77.55 in Mumbai and Rs 72.19 in Chennai.