PM Narendra Modi Kerala Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep visit live updates: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Lakshadweep, Tamil Nadu and Kerala today. He will review the situation arising in the aftermath of devastating Cyclone Ockhi. PM Modi had arrived in Karnataka’s Mangalore late last night. It has been learnt that during the visit, the prime minister will also update himself as regards the status of the relief operations at Kavaratti, Kanyakumari and Thiruvananthapuram. He would meet officials and public representatives as also the cyclone victims, including the fishermen, and farmers’ delegations, accoridng to reports. This visit comes a day after PM Modi led BJP to historic mandate in Gujarat. Notably, parts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Lakshadweep were severely affected by the cyclone late last month and early this month. Modi has constantly been monitoring the situation arising out of the natural calamity in the southern parts of the country. “During financial year 2017-18, the amounts of the central share of the SDRF to the governments of Kerala and Tamil Nadu were Rs 153 crore and Rs 561 crore respectively,” according to reports.