Prime Minister Narendra Modi is known as a social media savvy politician. Currently over 37.5 million people follow PM Modi on the micro-blogging site. It has been learnt that there has been a leap of 51 per cent in the following, according to Times of India report. This has come after PM Modi had pipped Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan to become the most followed Indian on social media site Twitter in 2016. PM Modi was active on Twitter since 2009. As per Twitter. Modi has used Twitter for campaigns like #MakeInIndia, #SwachBharat, #MannKiBaat and #SelfieWithDaughter to reach and connect with citizens. Government is encouraging people and officials to use Twitter to communicate with each other.
Apart from Twitter, PM Modi was named the most followed leader on Instagram in 2017, by Twiplomacy, an organisation that looks into the social media usage of governments and international organisations. US President Donald Trump was the second most followed world leader — he now has 7.8 million followers and has posted 2,472 pictures — and Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, emerged third with 4.9 million followers and 467 posts