Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Sunday lauded the positivity drive initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address to the nation via his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ radio programme. “We have a new idea and new direction to follow in 2018. The prime minister, on account of the anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai attack, spoke of starting the New Year on a positive note. This is something that the country should adopt, as it is essential for our growth,” Pradhan told reporters here.
Supporting this stance, Union Minister Vijay Goel also lauded the prime minister’s efforts in creating a New India through various measures, a recognition of the same being the recent upgrade of India’s rating by global credit rating agency Moody’s. He also opined that if more states were brought under the rule of the NDA Government, there would be synced developmental activities between the states and the Centre.
Further, retaliating to the Congress’ recent jibe on Prime Minister Modi using memes, Goel claimed that the grand old party’s leadership should have condemned such behaviour of their cadet, adding that the level of politics should not be degraded to such an extent.