Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has slammed critics of the bullet train project, questioning those who are opposed to the introduction of new technology in Indian Railways. “The last time Indian Railways brought any new technology to India – if you can call it that – was the Rajdhani in 1969,” Goyal said while addressing at FICCI Event on “Bullet Train & Modernization of Indian Economy”. “At that time, in 1969, the Railway Board Chairman had opposed the Rajdhani. Even in Parliament, questions had been raised on whether India needs a Rajdhani or not,” Goyal said.
Seeking to assure those who want better focus on safety, Goyal said, “There is no fund shortage for items of safety.” Further talking about the importance of safety, Goyal said that till recently two types of coaches were being manufactured – ICF and LHB. “The LHB coaches, with better couplers, are safer. I have asked that the Integral Coach Factory stop manufacturing old ICF coaches and switch to LHB whole time,” he said. “…and let me tell you that the LHB design, that I a promoting right now, is also 30 years old. But, I am doing so for the lack of an alternative,” Goyal said, adding that now the coach factories are working on new designs of train sets as well. Inviting all sorts of businesses, Goyal said, “The Railways is open for business for any product on earth.”