Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that his government was committed to establishing the rule of law and claimed that there were “no communal clashes” in the state in the past eight months. Under previous state governments, there were “riots every week” and they also failed to nab the rioters, the chief minister said addressing a public meeting ahead of the local body polls. “In the past eight months, there have been no communal clashes in the state. When the BJP came to power, there was anarchy and ‘gunda raj’ in Uttar Pradesh,” he said.
“Today, there are no Kairana-like incidents happening in the state. The exodus of people, especially traders, from Kairana started after threats from criminals and mafia. No one will be allowed to take the law into their hands. No one today can dare to threaten a trader or abduct anyone,” he said. The chief minister was referring to the alleged exodus of Hindus from Kairana that made headlines last year when local BJP MP Hukum Singh released a list of more than 300 families who, he claimed, fled following extortion threats and violent attacks. “The toughness we had adopted, has shown good results. Investors from India and abroad are willing to invest in the state. Investments will create jobs, and it will increase possibilities of development. Traders who had left the state are now returning,” Adityanath said. He alleged that the “previous government” used to “eulogise” elements engaged in communal violence.