Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan today inaugurated the Petrochemical Investors Conclave 2017 in Bhubaneswar with an aim to attract investors towards Petroleum and Plastic Industries. The conclave themed, ‘Purvodaya – The Dawn of New Investment Opportunities’, aimed at providing them a platform to interact with the business leaders.
Speaking at the event, Pradhan stressed on setting up a fiber plant in Paradip for development of Textile Park. “I can proudly say that Narendra Modi is the first Prime Minister of India who has given utmost priority to Eastern part of India. Focusing on the east coastal belt of Odisha that stretches for around 450 kms, two years back the PM had stated that this belt is the energy gateway of the world to India. Paradip is soon going to be the energy gateway,” the minister said. Odisha MSME Minister Prafulla Samal and Finance Minister Shashi Bhusan Behera were also present at the conclave.