Union Petroleum and Natural Gas and Skill Development Minister Dharmendra Pradhan today inaugurated the Petrochemical Investors Conclave here. The one-day conclave themed ‘Puryodaya’- The Dawn of New Investment Opportunities’ will focus on the investment opportunities available in Eastern India, especially the state of Odisha.
“Petrochemical sector is growing much faster than Energy sector. This conference which is organized at Bhubaneswar is an example of the scope in the region”, said Pradhan adding that focus will be given to Dhamra and Paradip for inviting new investment opportunities.State Finance Minister Sashi Bhusan Behera and MSME Minister Prafulla Samal were also present at the event.“The Industrial Policy of Odisha recognizes Petrochemical sector as a priority sector. We are giving special emphasis to it. The State Government will provide all possible cooperation,” said the Finance Minister.