President Ram Nath Kovind today said that Jharkhand is progressing fast and is ahead of many other states in ease of doing business. Kovind, who was chief guest at the programme celebrating the 17th foundation day of Jharkhand, thanked former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee for founding Jharkhand.”Jharkhand is progressing fast and looking at its development and the new energy and enthusiasm in the people present here, I bow in respect and thank the former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee who had taken a path-breaking decision of founding Jharkhand as a new state.”
The president said it is “a matter of pleasure” that Jharkhand is developing fast and it is also working well for labour reforms and ahead of many other states in the ease of doing business. The state has 40 per cent of the minerals of the country, which is conducive for the development of trade and industry in the state, he said.
Kovind appreciated the development and welfare schemes of the state government wherein the government is establishing ‘Sakhi Mandals’ in 32,000 villages where four lakh and eighty thousand women will be directly associate with different government schemes.