Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will deliver the opening address at a conference of global investors and financial institutions in Singapore on Wednesday, organisers said on Monday.He will address more than 160 leaders from central banks and regulatory agencies, financial institutions, venture capital firms and FinTech companies, the organisers of the Singapore FinTech Conference said.
Queen Maxima of the Netherlands will be speaking on using inclusive technology to build a better future in her capacity as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development.
The conference will focus on nine key themes, including global market insights; data analytics; tech risk; sustainable FinTech; and the future of FinTech.More than 300 exhibitors from financial institutions, technology and FinTech companies will showcase their respective innovative technological solutions at the FinTech Exhibition, being held along with the conference.
On Thursday, the Global FinTech Hackcelerator will showcase 20 market-ready FinTech solutions that were shortlisted from 580 global submissions. These solutions are intended to solve real-life industry problems in four areas, including customer-facing solutions, regulatory technology (RegTech) and financial inclusion.
It is being organised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in partnership with The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) and in collaboration with SingEx Holdings.