The Yogi Adityanath government has put on fast-track the plan to build international airports at the east and west ends of Uttar Pradesh by inviting bids to appoint a consultant for the greenfield airport at Jewar near Noida in western UP and releasing the entire budget of nearly Rs 200 cr for the Kushinagar airport near Gorakhpur in the east. This comes days after the government increased the air connectivity to the two existing international airports at Varanasi and Lucknow. The move is part of the government’s strategy to secure all round development of the state.
“We are focussing both on road as well as air connectivity in UP,” CM Yogi Adityanath said at a review meeting of the civil aviation department earlier last week. “We plan to connect Lucknow with every divisional headquarters in UP and other state capitals capitals by air soon. This government is working on development of all regions when it comes to air connectivity and not just one two districts.”