Gujarat Gaurav Maha Sampark Abhiyan, BJP is gearing up for crucial Assembly polls in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state which will take place in December. Amit Shah will begin its mass contact drive on Tuesday in Gujarat to reach out to the party’s voters across the state. Under Gujarat Gaurav Maha Sampark Abhiyan initiative senior party leaders along with grassroots-level workers will visit households under the 50,000-odd polling booths across the state. The drive will continue till November 12. The Gujarat has been witnessing a high octane polling campaigning between ruling BJP and Congress. While Rahul Gandhi is using demonetisation and Goods and Services Tax (GST) to take potshots at PM Modi, Amit Shah and other BJP leader countered the these by claiming that these measures have helped Indian economy. Notably, the polling for the two-phase elections in Gujarat will take place on December 9 and 14 and the votes will be counted on December 18.