The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), which won the BJP-led NDA government a lot of rural women votes in the just concluded general elections, is expected to be further expanded under the incoming government with a focus on delivery and use of smaller 5 kg LPG gas cylinders.
Under PMUY, gas connections are provided to below poverty line (BPL) families with a support of Rs 1,600 for each connection. The LPG connection is provided in the name of the female member of the family. Official sources here said that the targeted 80 million connections under PMUY will be completed in the first 100 days of the new government.
So far, Ujjwala connections have reached the 71.9-million mark. After this goal is achieved, use of smaller 5 kg cylinders would be made mandatory under the scheme so that it is available across the country and help support cooking gas refills.