Chief Ministers of four states accompanied by their chief secretaries, DGPs and home secretaries in Chandigarh on Monday will attend a meeting aimed at working out a joint action plan to fight drug menace. There are several inter-state issues, including setting up of a joint task force, better coordination and checking trafficking, which can check the problem.“Considering the gravity of the drug menace and the alarming proportions that it is assuming, I wrote to my counterparts in the neighbouring states to meet so that we can evolve joint strategy on the issue,” Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur.
He said it was some time back that he had written letters to Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar and Uttrakhand CM T S Rawat to sit together and look for solutions to prevent the further spread of drug menace.While Punjab is battling hard to check rising addiction among its youth, Kullu-Manali in Himachal has gained notoriety the world over as a drug haven. Malana village in Kullu has earned a place for itself for producing high quality hash also called “malana cream.” With hash and opium being easily available many foreigners make a beeline to Kullu-Manali.