The Rahul Gandhi-led Congress named the party’s Chhattisgarh unit head Bhupesh Baghel as the next chief minister of the state. With this, the Congress has completed the process of selecting chief ministers for all three states it won last week, including Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The oath-taking ceremony in three states will take place on today.
Interestingly, Sunday also marked Gandhi’s first anniversary as Congress president. The recent victories in the three north Indian states were a major boost for the party’s prospects as it prepares for the 2019 general elections. Gandhi tweeted on Sunday evening on the occasion and said he was reiterating his “commitment to building a strong, united and vibrant Congress party”. Gandhi had chosen Kamal Nath to head the government in Madhya Pradesh, while the decision over Ashok Gehlot as the chief minister and Sachin Pilot as his deputy in Rajasthan was announced on Friday. The party did not rule out the possibility of having a deputy chief minister in Chhattisgarh, too.